God Inside Out by Simon Ponsby — AMAZON

The Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit by Lester Sumrall — AMAZON

Convergence by Jon Thompson — AMAZON

The Holy Spirit: Activating God's Power in Your Life by Billy Graham — AMAZON

Surrendered to the Holy Spirit by Hayley Braun — AMAZON

The Challenge of Acts by NT Wright — AMAZON

Paul, the Spirit and the People of God by Gordon Fee — AMAZON


Formed: Vivification - Jon Tyson — PODCAST

Principles of Revival - Jon Tyson — CCLN

Story of the Holy Spirit - Tim Mackie — TRAINING THE CHURCH

Holy Spirit — Bible Project Overview — BIBLE PROJECT

  • 3 Episode Podcast Series

Gifts and the Spirit - Jon Thompson — CCLN

Article: Covenant Affirmation of the Holy Spirit — READ IT

Content for the Gifts of the Spirit Magazine is influenced, referenced and inspired by these resources.

We recognize that the topic of gifts of the Holy Spirit has many theological perspectives. In the provision of these resources we hope that they provide a more detailed background on this topic while we still hold discernment in our approach as a church.

Scroll for sermons, community group notes and the digital copy of our Gifts of the Spirit Magazine.

Sermon videos: