What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are….And that’s only the beginning. 1 John 3:1a, 2a (MSG)
Pen Pal: a person with whom one becomes friends by exchanging letters via mail.
There is something about getting a letter in today’s modern age. It seems like a rare occurrence of increasing value. There is an intimacy to it, and striving for clarity that can sometimes be lost in our instant communication realities of text and email. We could all use some more clarity and truth in our lives. Especially from someone who is willing to pause and write to us.
This summer, we are considering the letters of John the Apostle. Easily overlooked, uncomplicated, and filled with memorable phrases, the letters of John speak with refreshing honesty relevant to us today. John Wesley refers to the Letters of John as the “deepest part of the Holy Scriptures”. They emphasize personal living faith, and when reading it you can almost hear the emotion in the voice of the writer and see the tears in his eyes. This was written by someone that cared deeply about his friends. And like any good friend, he calls out the very best in them. Children of God. Beloved.
Dear Friend…let's reflect together on the letters of John.